Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I have sooo many things to be greatful for, but I'll start with October 17th 2010.
It was a Sunday afternoon, I had just got back from shopping and was getting things ready to start supper. My hubby has some beagles in kennels and I thought I'd let them out to run around in the yard while I get supper ready. So, I turned them out and come back in to start supper. I looked out the front door and noticed one of the beagles had got out of the yard through the fence. So I ran outside and while I was rounding up one another got out. I'm starting to freak out by now because if my hubby had come home from hunting and something had happened to his beagles.....well, I just needed to get them put back up. I was afraid they would get to the road. So, after catching the beagles and putting them back in the kennels, I was gasping for breath, I was weak and there was a burn in my chest like I had never felt before. I slumped over the fence to catch my breath and after a few minutes I felt a little better so I started walking toward the house and I got so nauseous and weak and so hot it was unreal. I headed straight to the bathroom throwing off clothes all through the house. When I say I was hot that's what I mean. I tried throwing up but nothing came. I stood up and I got so weak and so hot that I laid down in the floor because if I hadn't I was going to fall in the floor. I was so sick and hot and I kept passing out. I knew I was having a heart attack. I tried to get myself up enough to crawl to the kitchen to get my cell phone but I couldn't move. All I could do is say Jesus' name over and over and over. I just kept begging him not to let me die. It's at a time like that when you really start wonderng if heaven is gonna be your home or not. Anywho, I laid there for an hour because hubby hadn't come in from hunting yet. I was getting weaker and I asked God to please let hubby hurry up and come home. He showed up about 5 minutes later. I was flown by helicopter to the hospital one county over and went straight to surgery. I had 100% blockage in one artery and 50% in another. They put in 3 stints and 3 days later I was home. It took a couple of weeks to get my strength back but point is, I was in the floor having a heart attack with 150% blockage for an hour ; not to mention the time it took for the ambulance and helicopter and the the ride to the hospital, and out of pure mercy God kept me alive and has been doing so ever since despite my lack of effort in healthy living. I have been told that it just wasn't my time to go. But if that's logical to explain away God's mercies, it's logical to never eat healthy, go to the doctor, put down or never pick up cigarrettes, etc. Because with that logic, live it up because we not going anywhere until it's time anyhow, right? No, I believe our days are numbered but not set because God also answers prayers and gives unexplainable mercy and grace. If it were not for God I would have been dead many moons ago. God is awesome! He holds our fragile breath in His hands. I'm thankful He had mercy every time He's had mercy and decided to keep holding my fragile breath in His hand. Because I know as long as He holds my breath in His hand, He aims to use it for His glory somehow. Thank you Father! In Jesus' name.

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